Creativity Spotlight: Charlotte begins her MFA in Creative Nonfiction
Seton Cove Workshop August 14th - The Power of Story:Creative Engagement with Your Personal Mythology
Shambhala Art: Meditative Mind and the Creative Process - blog post and weekend workshop with Melinda August 16th-17th
Chihuly Exhibit @ Denver Botanic Gardens
Photo by Melinda Rothouse
We've been blogging regularly about the creative process. In our latest post, "Shambhala Art: Meditative Mind and the Creative Process," Melinda talks about her experiences with the contemplative arts and the Shambhala Art curriculum. She'll be co-teaching a weekend workshop on Shambhala Art in mid-August (see below for details). To read more about how meditation relates to the creative process, visit our blog: Click here for the blog.
Creativity Spotlight: Charlotte Begins her MFA in Creative Nonfiction at the Institute of American Indian Arts
Charlotte just finished the first of five residencies she will do for her MFA in Creative Nonfiction at the Institute of American Indian Arts. And what a week! The Santa Fe weather was terrific: cool, stormy, full of thunder and rainbows—all of it a perfect match for the intense level of study and community for the seven days she was there for writing workshops, craft talks, and public readings. Now, charged up and ready to go, she has to write 60 pages of new material as well read and discuss nine nonfiction books—she’s excited for the learning and the growth!
The Power of Story: Creative Engagement with Your Personal Mythology August 14, 2014, 6-8 p.m.
Seton Cove Spirituality Center
Cost: $50
We've been invited to present at Seton Cove in August, and we're delighted to bring some of our storytelling tools and exercises to the Seton Cove community. In this evening workshop, we will explore personal mythology and the power of story to enliven and inform our spiritual and creative lives, as well as the healing power of personal narrative in the journey to wholeness.
Melinda will be co-teaching a Shambhala Art weekend, along with her mentor Lynn Wolfe, the weekend of August 16-17, at the Austin Shambhala Meditation Center. The weekend will cover Shambhala Art Parts 1 & 2: “Coming to Your Senses,” and “Seeing Things as They Are.” The Shambhala Art curriculum is based in the teachings of Tibetan Buddhist teacher and Shambhala founder Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, as outlined in the book True Perception: The Path of Dharma Art. The curriculum is divided into five distinct programs programs which explore the creative process from the perspective of the Buddhist teachings on mindfulness and meditation, and can be applied to any artistic medium or practice.
For more information about the upcoming Shambhala Art weekend in Austin and to register, please visit
Syncreate's Monthly Creativity Meetup
Syncreate is dedicated to helping creative people find like-minded folks who will believe in and support one another. We stress accountability for our artistic visions, and offer a monthly forum for sharing the challenges and joys of the creative process.
Syncreate Monthly Meetup
Sunday, September 7, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Free!
Join us for our monthly creativity gathering! It's a time to connect with other creative folks; discuss the creative process; share insights, inspirations, and challenges; and receive support and accountability for your creative goals.
We're taking a little break from meeting in August because so many people are traveling for the summer, etc., but we'll reconvene in September, and Charlotte will be holding some kind of virtual meetup and accountability check-in in the meantime, so stay posted for that.