Creativity requires the integration of linear thinking and associative thinking— sometimes known as “left brain” and “right brain” thinking. Both are necessary to bring creative projects to fruition.
Creativity is a journey from ideation to finished product, whether it is a book, a work of art, a symphony, a business venture, or a professional collaborative project. Creating a map of your journey, including specific orientation points to help you find your way when you get stuck or lost along the way, helps you to see where you are in the larger process, which helps you find your way when you take a wrong turn or lose your bearings.
Every journey is made up of a series smaller steps. That incremental progress is essential to feeling empowered and keeping us accountable to our work. It is necessary to shift between associative thinking and linear thinking in order to keep the process surging forward, to gain true perspective on your projects, and to maintain the faith and momentum required to keep producing.
Join us for a Meetup at Capital Factory in Austin, Texas, on Tuesday, May 29th, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. for a demonstration and discussion of the Syncreate Method.